Are Painful Periods A Sign Of Good Fertility?

Are Painful Periods A Sign Of Good Fertility Unlocking The Myth

Are painful periods a sign of good fertility? Is pain during the period even a criterion to decide the fertility of a woman? 

Painful periods or dysmenorrhea is a common condition experienced by women of all age who has reached their menarche. Some women might get painful periods alternatively while others struggle through it every month. There are also women who experience painless periods. Although there are many reasons that cause such pain, often people say that painful periods are a sign of good fertility. But, how true is that statement? 

To begin with, fertility is the ability of an individual to procreate. When it comes to women, their conceiving ability is considered while talking about their fertility. It also referred to the ability of women to carry their pregnancy throughout the full term. Although menstrual pain and fertility are correlated, their relationship is quite complicated. In this article, we are going to discuss the relationship between menstrual pain and fertility. 

How Are Periods Pain And Fertility Related? 

Often people try to draw a line connecting the two because of the concept that strong uterine contraction during menstruation facilitates easy and proper shedding of the uterine lining, assisting the implantation of the embryo. It is believed that the more clear the uterine wall the more the chances of successful implantation. This is said because efficient contractions may expel the endometrial tissue, clearing the path for the embryo to stick on. 

Painful Periods And Fertility

In reality, menstrual pain is a distressing condition that only adds to the discomfort of women going through their periods. Although the pain is caused as the result of uterine contractions, it is not necessary that painful periods alone will serve as an indicator of increased fertility. 

Factors Increasing Fertility 

There are several factors that contribute to the fertility of women and they are as follows: 

  • Ovarian function– Women have a pair of ovaries and they are responsible to produce one mature egg each month for fertilization. The ovaries are also held responsible for secret hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are meant to maintain pregnancy. 
  • Mucus quality– Cervical mucus is of different types. Wet and slippery mucus is often an indication of increased fertility. It helps sperm to swim through the passage to fertilize the egg. The consistency of the mucus is different during your ovulation period and non-ovulation period. During ovulation, it evolves so as to support easy fertilization. 
  • Healthy fallopian tube– Fallopian tubes are the pathway of mature eggs that reach the uterus from the ovaries. Each fallopian tube starts from each ovary and ends together at the uterus. So, in order for successful fertilization, one of the fallopian tubes should be open. When both tubes are open, the chance of multiple fertilization increases causing multiple pregnancies. 
  • Hormonal balance- hormones like estrogen and progesterone have significant roles in maintaining pregnancy. It regulates the thickening of the uterine wall to support healthy implantation and manages the development of the embryo throughout the pregnancy period

These are a few of the factors that are meant to increase the fertility of a person. The role of menstrual pain in fertility is still in question as it is often an indication of certain underlying health conditions that may adversely affect fertility. Read on to learn how fertility is negatively affected by painful periods. 

Painful Periods And Fertility

While painful periods are believed to provide reproductive benefits to females, the truth behind this statement is worth questioning. Although people are considering painful periods as a good sign of fertility, it is capable of affecting your fertility in a negative manner. More than fertility, menstrual pain could be an indication of the following conditions: 

  • Endometriosis- Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissues that are usually grown inside the uterus are grown outside. Monthly periods are a nightmare for women with endometriosis as it causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. Endometriosis that causes pelvic pain is often termed dysmenorrhea, and that causes pain during intercourse is termed dyspareunia. Although rare, a third type of endometriosis is also diagnosed in women that causes pain during bowel movements and that is termed dyschezia. 
  • Uterine fibroids- Uterine fibroids are a common condition in which a specific kind of growth of the uterus is identified. This occurs during the childbearing period in the life cycle of women. Although the condition can be seen in anyone, women who got their first periods at an early age, those who are obese, or those who experience a deficiency of vitamin D are at higher risk of the condition. However, uterine fibroids are more common in black women than in white women. Pressure in the lower belly, lower back pain, and difficulty conceiving are the common symptoms of uterine fibroids. When diagnosed, it is better to remove them. 
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease- Pelvic inflammatory disease is simply an infection that occurs on the reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Unprotected sex is one of the major causes of PID as chlamydia or gonorrhea infections are more common and they are transferred from person to person through sex. PIDs can also occur when the natural barrier of the cervix is disturbed. 


Periods are certainly an indication of fertility. But, the involvement of painful periods may indicate some underlying ailments affecting one or more reproductive organs of women like endometriosis, uterine fibroid, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Although it is true that menstrual pain can be experienced due to stronger uterine contractions, it might not always be the case. So, instead of treating painful periods with good fertility, you should consult a gynecologist who is capable of understanding the issue and providing you with a personalized plan. If painful periods were actually an indication of good fertility, then anyone not experiencing the pain should not be conceiving easily. Therefore, neither the absence of menstrual pain indicates compromised fertility nor does the pain signifies improved fertility, 

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